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How is my 2024 so far?

Updated: at 06:13 PM

After a busy last year with our newborn and visit back home and 100 other things, its already almost into half of this year. I did not do year in reviews in long time and have not maintained active journal for a while. So, I thought I will write a quick update on how 2024 is so far.

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Low start

After a wonderful visit to our family in India, we came back at the end of December. I was looking forward to start the year with a bang. But, it was not the case. I was not feeling well for the first few weeks. All of were sick so we did a covid test and turns out that we all were positive. It was not a severe case but it was not pleasant either. We were in isolation for 10 days. It was not a great start to the year.

Early Winter Months

It was pick winter months the January and February. That wasn’t pleasant either, specially after coming from India where the Nov/Dec weather was very pleasant. Going out was not an option and we were mostly at home. So we started the apartment hunt for our next move towards Munich. We were looking for a bigger apartment and we found one on our first visit(thanks to online research we did for some time now). We signed the contract in the last week of January and we are moving by the end of March.

Preparing for the move

The apartment we choose doesn’t have a built in kitchen and thats normal in this part of the country 🤷🏻‍♂️. So the next biggest todo for us was to find and install kitchen and all the accessories in this apartment. We knew its gonna be a costly thing but we really liked the apartment and decided to go for it. It took us few weeks and multiple trips to different stores for possible kitchen options for our next kitchen.

Finally we decided on one and placed the order. We are expecting the delivery in the last week of February. Until this point things were still under control. But the real work start for us after the delivery. We found a handyman to install the kitchen but it was gonna take few weekends for him and I doing it together. We started the work in the first week of March and it took us 3 weekends to finish the kitchen. Two weekends we traveled with Mishka and Sonali to this new apartment and stayed there over night. It was all new for us & our new land landy was very helpful and kind to us. She was providing us coffee and snacks while we were working on the kitchen. It was a good experience.

Packing and Moving

Few of our friends offered us help to move to this new apartment. So it was a time to pack stuff and prepare the apartment for handover. It was a lot harder to do anything with a toddler around. We caught with sickness again because of the mold and dust around. Finally we moved to the new apartment by the end of March. We are grateful to our friends for helping us with the move.

Settling in

We are still settling in the new apartment. We are still missing few things in the kitchen and we are still looking for some furniture. We are still figuring out the neighborhood and the new life in this new place. Our land lady is very kind and helpful. She is helping us with everything we need. She is also enjoying Mishka’s company. We have started calling this new place as our home. There are still so many things to figure out and so much energy to put in this but things are under control at this moment.

Spring Blossom

It is Mishka’s birthday in April and we have a small celebration at home. We are still settling in the new apartment. The weather is getting better and we have already started exploring the neighborhood. We are very much looking forward to the summer vacations and the new life in this new place.

Dhanyavād for Reading 🙏🏻